
Recieved a Bachelor's Degree in Geography with an emphasis in Geographical Information Science (GIS) at the California State University of Northridge (CSUN), where I was taught the geographic phenomenon that occurs in the world such as foreign disputes, disease outbreak, income inequality, and environmental threats, and how that could be further understood with technologies like GIS. Currently attending the University of Utah for a Master's of Science degree in geography, focusing on remote sensing techniques for active wildfire characterization.



  • Master of Science (Geography), University of Utah, Present
  • Bachelor of Arts (Geograpy), California State University of Northridge, 2018
  • Research Interests

  • Remote Sensing for Land Use - Land Change Detection
  • Characterizing Active Wildfire using Remote Sensing
  • GIS for Public Sector use in Public Works
  • Research Experience

  • Title:"Examining Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Retrievals using Shortwave and Mid-Infrared Radiance from FIREX-AQ", University of Utah (Current)
  • - Contributing to the literature on estimating BBE (burned biomass emissions)from active wildfires using remote sensing techniques.

    - Utilizing various python packages (i.e. geopandas, numpy, matplotlib) to compute figures, graphs, and maps regarding BBE on hyper, multi-spectral data.

  • Title: “The Socio-Spatial Experience of Farmers’ Markets in Los Angeles”, California State University of Northridge 2018
  • - Conducted a quantitative/qualitative research on the social spatial phenomenon of farmers markets within the city of Los Angeles.

    -Conducted field research at 4 different farmers’ markets to collect more than 30 zip codes of customer’s residency, and utilized that to create network maps that displayed the average distance that eachcustomer traveled to the market.

  • Title: “Network Geography of Farmers’ Markets Project”, California State University of Northridge 2017
  • - Utilized Network Analyst to determine the distances between the vendors (origin), and the markets they attended (destination).

    - Produced maps such as kernel density, and choropleth maps that represented the geographic distribution of vendors from the farmers markets.

    - Geo-coded 32 Farmer's Market locations within Los Angeles County, and the origin of the Vendors that attended those markets.